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来源:国际交流学院/孔子学院工作中心 发布:2023-01-11 阅读:12413




1. 假期期间如有出行,请同学们一定要提前向学院请假,填写《金沙js6038网页检测国际交流与教育学院来华留学生请假申请表》(学院网站下载)并签名,发送至学院邮箱:hbustudents@hbu.edu.cn并及时向辅导员销假








9. 校内住宿同学如有外出须及时向值班老师请假,需外出就诊的按照请假要求申请出校就医。寒假期间,学院值班室设在一楼智慧教室(语音室)/ 学院2楼办公室,有问题可以及时联系值班老师,值班时间为:上午8:30-12:00;下午14:30-18:00。
















Winter Holiday Safety Notice for International Students


Dear students:

According to the “Notice on New Year's Day and Winter Holiday in 2022” issued by Hebei University, the 2022 Winter Holiday duration is: Jan.7th --- Feb.17th. To ensure the health and safety of all international students on campus during the winter break, please pay attention to the following tips:

1. During the holidays, any change of residence must be reported to the Student Management Section of the College. Fill in and sign the Application Form for International Students from College of International Exchange and Education of Hebei University and send it to hbustudents@hbu.edu.cn. You must call or write to the counselor on the same day you return to your habitual address.

2. Winter is the peak season of many epidemics. Take personal protection. Please prepare enough personal protective equipment such as masks, thermometers, alcohol wipes, etc. in advance.

3. Try to avoid gathering, and reduce activities in crowded places. Wash hands frequently, ventilate more, gather less, wear masks, and keep good hygiene habits. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, go to hospital in time under personal protection.

4. Please pay attention to the safety of electricity, water and gas. Do not use the prohibited or high-power electric appliances. Do not personally change the electricity wires. Do not charge your electric bike indoors. For students live on campus, if you find anything unusual, please report to staff of the Apartment Service Centre.

5. For preventing theft and fraud, please do not carry a lot of cash. Do not let non-resident stay overnight. When leaving your room, make sure to lock windows and the door. Do not disclose personal information, click on unknown links, and do not believe cold call information.

6. Please regulate your behavior, and do not engage in illegal religious activities or other activities not fit for international students. Follow the arrangement of the institute and the university. Do not conceal, postpone, or lie about information you need to provide; do not believe or spread rumors.

7. Obey all traffic laws and regulations. Do not exceed the speed limit when riding an electric bike, and do not against traffic when riding a bicycle. Do not run a red light.

8. Followings are strictly prohibited: to work with student visa; violate regulations on the administration of accommodation registration or residence permit extension; to illegally obtain visa, drug taking and drug trafficking.

9. Students who live on campus should ask for leave from the teacher on duty if leave campus, including for medical treatment.


during the winter Holiday, the college's duty room is language lab on the first floor or offices on second floor . If you have any problem, you can ask the teacher on duty for help. (8:30AM-12:00PM;14:30PM-18:00PM)

In the event of an emergency, please contact the teacher on duty, the counselor or the apartment manager directly. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:

Public Security: 110   

Fire: 119   

First Aid: 120


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this special time session, and we wish you all a great and peaceful holiday.


College of International Exchange and Education,

 Hebei University
