1、 外国留学生到中国进行长短期留学必须申请学习签证(X1或X2) 入境。请广大新生和老生注意。
2、 持有“外国人居留许可”的长期留学生(学习时间超过180天)请经常留意有效期。回国和假期以及新学期开始时,请一定注意“居留许可”的有效期,需要延长的同学请提于有效期满前一个月到国际交流与教育学院办公楼206办公室申请办理延期手续。
3、 中国政府奖学金、孔子学院奖学金和河北省政府奖学金留学生应在中国工商银行开设账户,办理银行卡,以便及时收到奖学金。在办理银行卡时,应提示银行职员将银行户名与护照用名保持一致。
4、 持有X2签证(短期学习签证,学习期限在180天以内)在金沙js6038网页检测学习的留学生同学,如果继续学习,请于学期结束前到206办公室申请JW202表和录取通知书,以便回国后办理签证入境。
6 、持有X1签证来金沙js6038网页检测学习的外国留学生,必须自入境之日起30日内到保定市公安机关出入境管理部门办理外国人居留许可。
1. International students come to China to have Short or long term studying, must apply studying visa (X1 or X2), please notice that.
2. Long-term international students (beyond 180 days) with residence permit for foreigner should notice the valid date regularly, especially before vacation or after beginning of new semester. If you need to extend your visa, please go to Office 206 to apply for visa extension procedures 30 days in advance.
3. Chinese Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship and Hebei Province Scholarship students should open a account and get bank card at ICBC, in order to receive scholarship in time. When you opening ICBC account, you should mention the bank clerk to make your bank account name be same with your passport name.
4. The international students with X2 visa (short-term studying visa, within 180 days) want to continue studying in Hebei University, please go to Office 206 to apply for JW202 Form and Admission Notice before end of semester, so you can conduct visa after back to your country, and come back to China again.
5. Foreigners enter in China or leave residence place, must conduce recommendation registration within 24 hours, to check in with your passport at reception desk of International Students Apartment Building.
6. International students study in Hebei University with X1 visa, must conduct residence permit for foreigner in Baoding Police Bureau within 30 days.
7. International students is forbidden to have any kind of full-time or part-time job in China without permission by college and Police.
8. If international students want to organized any kind of activities by themselves, the organizer must submit a written application to College of International Exchange and Eduaction, and can hold the activity with permission of College and University. The attending members must be international students that study in Hebei University, and it is forbidden to have any missionary or other activities that against Chinese laws and Regulations.
9. International students is forbidden to drive vehicles, including cars, motocycles, large electricity bikes, etc.
10. If you meet any emergency situation in China, please dial emergency call - 110.