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2018年中秋节、国庆节放假通知 2018 Mid-Autumn Day and National Day Vacation Notice
来源:国际交流中心 发布:2018-09-19 阅读:1447






I.  Mid-Autumn Day vacation: Sept. 22nd (Saturday)---Sept. 24th (Monday), 3 days.

    National Day vacation: Oct. 1st (Monday)---Oct. 7th (Sunday), 7days.  


II.  According to University academic arrangement, Sept. 29th (Saturday) and Sept. 30th (Sunday) will havelessons of Oct. 4th(Thursday) and Oct. 5th (Friday).


III.  If you travel, please be care of your personal and property security. After you back, please go to reception desk of apartment to check in, and do not do any illegal work and missionary activities.                                                                                                                     


金沙js6038网页检测国际交流与教育学院             2018年9月19日