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来源:国际交流学院 发布:2020-01-10 阅读:1681


    2020寒假放假日期为:111--- 216日。正式上课时间为217日。

1. 为了您的安全考虑,如有暑假期间外出或回国计划,请提前到总台填写《暑假计划表》,以便遇到紧急情况可及时处理。

2. 假期在校或外出期间,请同学们注意人身财产安全,不允许从事与留学生身份不符的任何活动。离开保定回校后,请于第一时


All International Students:

    The 2020 Summer Vacation duration is: Jan. 11th --- Feb. 16th. The Semester will start on Feb. 17th.

1. Considering your safety, please go to Reception Desk to fill out <Summer Vacation Schedule>, in case of emergency conduction.

2. During Summer Vacation, Please take care of your personal safety, do not do any activities that not fit for international students.

You must take your passport to reception desk to register at the very first time after you back to Baoding.

3. Summer vacation is not normal working period, so please be cautious

about it, do not miss applying date, or will take responsibility by yourself.

国际交流与教育学院  2020年110